Friday, October 26, 2018

Getting Mucky

I couldn't face a full week in the office, how I long for retirement!! So as I still have a good few days holiday left I booked off what looks like the last warm day for a while to go muck hunting and get the plot manured and covered.

Our local stables has a HUGE pile of muck they are happy for people to help themselves to and it's only 5 minutes from the plot. I moved a total of 25 bags like this, that works out to about 3 bags per half bed square. I used rubble sacks to protect the car, as well as covering the interior in plastic dust sheets. . This is the point I wish I'd bought a car with a tow hook and a trailer!!

One advantage of evening up all the bed sizes is that I can now cut my covers to a standard size which means less folding, flapping in the wind and acting like a giant sail to catch the wind and pull the covers off. I like a large roll of he black covering material but that's about £65 and there are other projects in the queue first.

So apart from bits where there are still some crops growing which I'll come back to once they are finished, we are done.

Just this fruit bed to tackle now but I'm still deciding exactly what to do with it.

Happy gardening folks!!


Sue Garrett said...
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Sue Garrett said...
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Sue Garrett said...

Unfortunately past experiences have left us really distrusting of manure.

Dicky said...

Hi Sue. Yes I've heard stories of nasties being introduced to the ground. I've never had any issues with this stuff, the pile has been a long time and you don't see lots of weeds etc growing out if it so its been ok so far.

Sue Garrett said...

Our problem was actually caused by hormonal weed killer residue.