Tuesday, July 18, 2006

More On The Harvesting List

Things are going mad, bit of rain would be nice, but the currently picking list has grown :o)

Currently Picking:

Lettuce: Sangria, Little Gem, Red/Green Salad Bowl
Radishes: French Breakfast 3
Spring Onions: Ramrod, Ishikura
Spinach: Pass, it's green, it's taking over the world
Potatoes: Foremost
Courgette: O'Reila, Nice De Round
Beetroot: Detroit 2
Runner Beans: Best Of All
Carrots: Early Nantes
Tomatoes: gardeners Delight, Gartenpearle.

Cucumbers are going to start this week I think, brocolli is starting to form heads as well.

I have to rig up some shade in all this sun, I have used the space vacated by the first row of early spuds for more beetroot and swedes, but as soon as they come up the sun burns them and kills them. Same with lettuces planted out, running out now as they seem to grow at very different rates per batch, never quite getting the hang of them.

Any way heres a couple of update pics

I'm growing these for a halloween party this year, 6 on 3 plants to get them nice and big.

The onions are harvested, seems very early but they had folded over etc. Only a few had rot in the end and gave them away straight away.

The first carrots, just started to show signs of forking as they reach the bottom of the sand/peat holes I dug out.

growing nicely under the netting, Marigolds seem to help with the white fly, will be growing more next year.

The runners, sweetcorn and squashes, a busy bed this one.

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