I was thinking when I visited the plot last week after being away for a week and all the squashes were finished, the tomatoes looking sad and beans lacking flowers that it had been a short season. Then I realised that I haven't bought any veg or salads from the supermarket for months and that really, I hadn't done bad.
I've collected my squashes, strung my onions (as you can see) and have a sack of spuds in the garge for the winter (hope it's not too warm in there). There is a pile of plant debris to burn and a lot of bare spaces on the plot. Now the digging manuring and reclaiming of edges can begin before covering up for the winter.
All thats left is the winter stuff, leeks, parsnips, carrots, PSB and swedes, I got to get my over wintering lettuces down there soon.
Like many I'm already planning for next year, what will go where, what new stuff do I want, what won't I bother with and eagerly awaiting the seed books.
It's been a fuuny year with the weather and hopefully next year will be better, my brocolli has come to nothing so far and pak choi was a no-no, next year I'm growing them under fleece from day 1.