Saturday, April 01, 2006

Some Proper Progress

Things are finally warming up and at last I can get on with some planting. I seem to have slipped behind some people a bit, I haven't got my early spuds in yet. They need to go soon as they are getting rather large shoots on them now, hoping to do it today but it has chucked it down with rain this morning.

On the bright side I planted 180 onions and garlic cloves the other day and netted them over to stop the birds having a go at them.

The coldframe is proving very useful, my leeks are quite happy in there and despite my misgivings about the organic grow bags made from bark rather than peat, radishes, lettuces and some spring onions seem to be surviving in there, even when I forget to open the lid and it hits 40 degrees C.

My little collection of tomato, pepper and chilli plants is slowly growing and seem to like the spot in front of the patio door, there are still quite a lot that haven't germinated yet but by the time I next post a photo this lot should have quite a few friends.